Thoughts of Experimental and Faithful .........

A compiled Diary from a Christian and his experiences in life. Currently working for the charity Mercy Ships in Newcastle, UK. I'll hopefully be in Ghana in December on the Africa Mercy. Pop by, have a read and enjoy. If you have ever done Djing parkour youthwork or urban mission you may also find information that you might like.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

m/v Africa Mercy 19-08-05 update no 2

Hey guys gals and others.

See living with 3 americans and now one Canadian has this affect on my langague. I have started extending my vowels, starting Saying Zee instead of Zed, having half a glass of ice in my pint glass before I pour in Coke which I never drank so much before! Every meal in our house seems to be sweet, never savoury. But there are some advantages. They can get me cheap stuff from the states sent over, the cultural differences (yes there are cultural differences between the US and the UK) are cool. They have even stopped saying pants when they mean trousers becasue I was getting all confused. But they have changes the spell checker on Word to English(US) so I apoloigse if some of my spelling is off.

So it's been exactly a week since I got here and sent you my first email update. thanks to the 20 or so people who took time to send me some good luck emails, sorry I probably won't have time to respond to you all individually but I will try my best.

Well tonnes have happened since then - surprisingly. Anyone visiting my blog has already had a preview of what I am going to write now, so please stick with me.

My first weekend I spent checking out this new city. Wandered round the city centre which is probably about 2 or 3 times larger than the fair city I left. then went to visit the MEtro sentre - a large shopping centre which has an indoor rollercoaster in it!! Found a cool church on sunday morning and evening which was quite friendly.

Monday morning at stupid time of 5:50, my alarm went off. made my lunch, which all my old workmates know I have never done before, unfortuantely I can't afford to buy stuff from the sandwich van every day. caught the minibus at 6:30. First thing we do every morning at 7:00 is have devotions. which normally we have a bible study or worship or someone gives a talk. It sets us up well for the day.

First thing I had to do was attend a safety talk. not the most interesting thing I have ever sat through, it didn't even have people getting burnt or sliced in half or showing people getting crushed by massive containers falling. the worst it got was when it showed someone lying on the floor at the bottom of some stairs. Boring!
Then had morning break at 9:00 till 9:15. First proper job was to clean up under Engine no. 6 where a considerable amount of oil had been spilt. easy job you may think but Ship ensines are not designed to have easy access and meant me and a colleague Matt had to become contorsionists to get through the mass of pipes and get the oil cleaned up so someone could come and Weld without a fire risk.

Then I spent the rest of the day moving spare engine parts from one side of the ship in the cargo hold down one deck, then into the stores. Another easy task you may think. well not when some engine spare parts weigh about 20kgs each and come in stupid shapes like gears and control units large pumps and are not easy to get down stairs let alone ship ladders.then once we got all of them we could lift we had to hoist the rest down to the engine room.

I had such a great day - came back feeling like I had actually done something good - and felt like I had done a hard days work as well and a little dehydrated.

The rest of the week I got to install medical gas pipework - which was a lot less physical work than my first day but more mind work trying to figure out how to get the pipes around all the bulkheads and structure on the ship. Something which I was used to sat behind a computer doing at my old job, but not used to doing it in practice. I was working with two guys Mark (from Winnipeg, Canada) and Dallas Logan (from Nevada) what a cool name though! I attempted at some Brazing which was cool, but I wasn't that fast and we needed to get it finished so I only did a couple of couplings. All this experience should be really useful for if I get back into my previous industry again.

Last weekend I went to a different church and meet tonnes of cool people and spent the afternoon playing gamecube and watching Cricket in the park.

This week has been the most exciting week ever. we have installed a CT scanner in the medical deck 3. 4 tonnes of equipment, fixing locations to the nearest 1/2 mm, had 9 people pushing the main gantry (or doughnut as we call it) through a doorway only 30mm bigger than the unit, up a step and onto screed that we couldn't run the gantry accross without 3/4" hardboard across it. We finished fixing most of the units this afternoon ready for 3 specialists coming from Texas on Tuesday to commision and set the CT scanner up.

I am going to the beach tomorrow for a new friends bday and then going to see High Contrast (a Cardiff drum and bass DJ/producer) playing at the uni here in Newcastle. Should be fun if I can cope staying up so late!

Well thats all me done and I have just realised how long this email is. What I will do is go back and highlight the key points in the email so hopefully people will read the main bits. Sorry for taking up so much time but I am really raving about what is going on up here and how much I am enjoying this new adventure.
Keep safe all.

Paulus 'the kid' - as my house mom calls me!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

09-08-05 two days of working for Mercy Ships

Just a quick up date to let you folks know what they have been getting me doing here in Newcastle.
My first thing on Monday morning at 7:00am!!! yes that means I have to get up at 5:50! there's a 5:50?! yes as I found out yesterday.
was devotions and praying for the day and our safety.
then I had our yard Safety talk - great.

Then my first proper job was to clean up under Engine no. 6 where a considerable amount of oil had been spilt. easy job you may think but Ship ensines are not designed to have easy access and meant me and a comp[anion had to become contorsionists to get through the mass of pipes and get the oil cleaned up so someone could come and Weld without a fire risk.

then I spent the rest of the day moving spare engine parts from one side of the ship in the cargo hold down one deck, then into the stores. Another easy task you may think. well not when some engine spare parts weigh about 20kgs each and come in stupid shapes like gears and control units large pumps and are not easy to get down stairs let alone ship ladders.then once we got all of them we could lift we had to hoist the rest down to the engine room.

I had such a great day - came back feeling like I had actually done something good - and felt like I had done a hard days work as well and a little dehydrated.

Today I got to install medical gas pipework all day - which was a lot less physical work than yesterday but more mind work trying to figure out how to get the pipes around all the bulkheads and structure on the ship. Something which I was used to sat behind a computer doing at my old job, but not used to doing it in practice. I was working with two guys Mark (from Winnipeg, Canada) and Dallas Logan (from Nevada - I think) what a cool name though! I think I will be doing this for the rest of this week, which is cool, but I did actually prefer the hard labour of being in the engine room.

Tonight I am off for a drink with a guy I met at Church on Sunday. I also have a new housemate today but he has travelled from the US for the last two days, so he is currently sleeping and haven't met him yet.

So yeah that is what is currently going on in the life of the Waldron.

I would love to hear what you are up to so please get in touch I miss you guys so much.

Stay Cool my friends.


m/v Africa Mercy update no. 1 - 05-08-05

hey there guys/gals.

Well I am finally in Newcastle. Got here about 2 hours ago.

Nothing like I'd expected. the Ship is huge. I get to go on it monday. The dock is ...'s not like a day at the office which is what I am used to.

Getting kinda emotional now I have landed here and realised what I have left. Have already considered moving back 3 times since being here.

The flat I am staying in is lush. I am sharing it with a middle aged american couple called Susan and Robert. Not met Robert yet but Susan seems really great.

They are cooking me a meal tonight with some other Mercy Ships older couple who also seem really great called Kevin and ....... Err. someone. Not good around adults so this could be interesting. I will hopefully remember names as I have been introduced to about 20 people today and I think I only remember 4 names.

So here it all goes. 3 months (and hopefully more) of Mercy Ships - my big expedition starts here. Please keep us in prayer if you are of the praying orientation, it'll be really appreciated.
If you know of anyone who wants to be part of these email updates then please send me their email address and I'll keep them updated too. If you don't want to recieve these emails then please tell me and I will quit annoying you.

My Address for the next 3 months will be:
60 Gladstone Road
Tyne and Wear
NE31 2XD
and mobile is still (well you'll have to join my email list and ask)

Time to take Kassie for a drive and see whats around. Or I could go for a walk. Hmmm nah!
Keep safe bruvas and sisters

Paulus - the newest Geodie resident.
Mercy Ships.