Thoughts of Experimental and Faithful .........

A compiled Diary from a Christian and his experiences in life. Currently working for the charity Mercy Ships in Newcastle, UK. I'll hopefully be in Ghana in December on the Africa Mercy. Pop by, have a read and enjoy. If you have ever done Djing parkour youthwork or urban mission you may also find information that you might like.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Some new photos of AFM and DTS class

This is my ship not in Dock but actually out at sea yeah!!

This is mopst of my DTS class:
Back left to front right:
Mel and Kayla (who are not in my class!) Christine(leader), Nikita from surfers DTS, Louise(leader), Daniel(leader), Scott, Matty (leader)
Row below them: Steve, Joel, Jeong
Middle row: Nikki, Marsha, Tui, Naomi, Paul (me)
Bottom row: Ash, Kerstin, Brei, Heather, Melinda, Tamsin, and Heather