Thoughts of Experimental and Faithful .........

A compiled Diary from a Christian and his experiences in life. Currently working for the charity Mercy Ships in Newcastle, UK. I'll hopefully be in Ghana in December on the Africa Mercy. Pop by, have a read and enjoy. If you have ever done Djing parkour youthwork or urban mission you may also find information that you might like.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Well firstly an apology for not writing in such a long time.

But the last 2, almost 3 months have been some of the most exciting and challenging of my life.

Well I think the last time I sent an update was part way through my time in Zambia, probably some time in July. Well Zambia was an amazing time. Zambians are the friendliest people, and it was so great to work with and alongside them. We spent much of our time in Zambia working with young people affected by AIDS and also meeting people from poorer areas and playing football with kids!! We also worked closely with many Churches and did ‘Open Airs’ and house visits. We got to meet many amazing families and encourage them in their faith and also see so many people accept Christ as their saviour for the first time.

In the last weeks in Zambia we travelled down to Livingstone (total of 16 hours driving – broken up by a visit to Zambia’s capital Lusaka). We travelled there for a 3-day break to see the Victoria Falls (a massive waterfall) and go on a short Safari. I’ll keep the story short but we ended up being chased on foot by a huge Elephant! (I’ll try and post a photo on my blog page). So yeah that was a crazy adventure.

Then early August we flew to Madagascar and stayed for 3 weeks in the capital Antananarivo and then 2 weeks on the West coast in a town called Morondava.
Our time in the capital was spent helping prepare for a large conference at the YWAM base there and also Street Evangelism during the Indian Ocean Island Games – like a mini-Olympics for the local Islands.

The second half of our stay in Madagascar was a 21 hour bus drive on roads that one of our team described as “roads I wouldn’t walk a dog on…..and I don’t even like dogs!”. The town was small and was really back to basics. We spent much time there praying and worshiping, as we felt quite oppressed in our Spirits when we got there. We also did loads of house visiting and were again greeted by amazingly hospitable families. By the time we had left the place felt different, and many of the local people also expressed that they felt a change in peoples attitudes and demeanours after our time there – which was great to see.

Then in September Team Africa arrived back on the not so sunny shores of Perth, Australia. I spent 3 weeks then in Australia, popping over to Sydney and staying on Bondi Beach (not as nice as I thought it was going to be) for a break before coming back to the UK.

During my time away my Grandma had become seriously ill with cancer near her throat and lungs and even though the Doctors only gave her 3 weeks to live (some time in July) she was still well(ish) when I got back – thanks for everyone who was praying for her. She went really bad a couple of weeks ago and then 2 weeks ago she passed away in her sleep. It has been a trying time for my family but we are coming together behind my Granddad which is good.

But some good news, since I got back I have managed to secure some work for the next 7 weeks upto the time when I will be flying out to Gran Canaria to finally meet my Ship – the Africa Mercy - and sail out to Sierra Leone in January 2008. So yeah can you also be praying for plans to get organised for my return to the ship, that I get every ready that I need to get ready and also that I have a good time with my family and friends in the UK as I might not be back for 2 years.

Thanks for reading this very long update, and I promise that I will get back on track with my monthly emails and so that you won’t have to read through 2 pages of text again!!

Keep safe you guys,

Miss you all – and I may see some of you British folk soon. Let us know if you want to hook up.

Currently in WORCS, UK.
Soon to be m/v Africa Mercy, Sierra Leone